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Are you a professional who needs to improve your English but TIME is a problem?



English is NOT your enemy. Time is your enemy!

For busy people like you, finding 15 minutes a day to study during the week can be difficult—taking an English class is impossible.


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don’t allow TIME to hurt your English.
But HOW?!

I’m going to show you a completely NEW method to improve your English speaking and have you sounding like an American!


 Have you ever felt embarrassed when you speak English?

 Do you KNOW you have problems with pronunciation?

 Do you want to get rid of your accent?

 Do foreigners speak to you differently than with other native English speakers?

 Do you have a hard time communicating your ideas?

 Have you ever been in a ZOOM meeting and prayed you didn’t have to speak?


You do NOT sound “Smart”!
you have a problem.
you need to improve.

I know the feeling…

As soon as you start speaking English…

people look at you with a confused expression…

you want to say something important but you get nervous…

the words don’t come to you…

When the Zoom call starts~~~~


I’m here for you.
I've been in your situation. (Really! I'll explain a bit later!)
I developed a system JUST for people like you.

It's an 8-week English Speaking program.

It's FAST.

My program will not only start fixing your pronunciation…

It will show you how to be a great speaker.


Imagine, after only a few weeks....

  • ​Your pronunciation ​IMPROVES
  • ​Your sentences ​sound NATURAL
  • ​People ​WANT to hear you speak
  • ​People ​ENJOY your comments
  • ​People ​RESPECT your professional talent even more

And as your English continues to improve...

  • Your CONFIDENCE grows
  • ​You receive more OPPORTUNITIES
  • ​You'll get that PROMOTION
  • ​You'll get a BETTER job
  • ​People will want to talk with YOU

"But Personal Coaching is Expensive."

Of course it is. Clients pay me $300 an hour for personalized, one-on-one coaching.


By creating an Intelligent System, I was able to cut that cost MASSIVELY

You will get PERSONAL coaching at a HUGE discount.

"But I don't have time."

"My schedule changes."

I know. I've been in your situation.

So I fixed it.

On your regular workday, give me 10 minutes. Less than ten minutes. Whenever you want.

On your weekend, give me an hour. Again, whenever you want.

If you give me that, I'll absolutely CHANGE your English.

That's guaranteed.

Less than 10 minutes a day...
8 weeks...

But...who am I?!

"But...HOW do you teach SPEAKING?"

Excellent question.

Most English "Speaking" courses are READING courses...NOT GOOD.

In my program,
Every week, You are given a speaking task. The task only takes one minute.

You should practice that task three times a day.

• Once in the morning—as you get dressed.
• Once at lunch—on your way back to the office from eating.
• Once in the evening—as you get ready for bed.

You do this for three days.
After three days—the words start moving from your BRAIN to your HEART! I do NOT want you to memorize!! That requires too much brain! I only want you to read the tasks.

Then you record yourself speaking the assignment.
The next day (maybe the same day!), you will receive Personal Feedback.

We'll highlight YOUR pronunciation problems.
We'll highlight YOUR speaking intonation problems. (where your stress is wrong)
We'll highlight YOUR speaking rhythm problems. (SO important)
We'll give you specific things for YOU to focus on. (SO essential)

After a couple more days, on the weekend is best, you will get my two lesson videos that will show you exactly HOW you should be “speaking the task”.

After you watch the lesson videos, make another recording and send it.
We'll give you more personal feedback and tell you exactly WHAT you should be focusing on.

Then, we start fresh with a new task.

For 8 weeks.

After three weeks you will begin to notice improvements.

  • ​Your confidence will grow. And confidence is crucial.
  • ​You will receive personalized, direct feedback on every task.
  • ​Your English speaking will start improving FAST.
  • ​Your English speaking will change so fast, people will notice and say...

Your English got so good!

You sound so much better!

I want YOU to hear that.
So, let's get started!

Join me today.

Join today and I will send you...

  • 8 Speaking tasks (one per week)
  • Personal Coaching on each of the tasks. Before and After!
  • 16 Weekend lessons (each lesson is about 30 minutes long) guiding you on EVERYTHING you need to know about each task and HOW to speak perfectly in American English
  • ​​Repeat videos/MP3s for each task (each video/MP3 averages 5 minutes)

The regular price for this PERSONAL COACHING package is over $395...

But if you join today...
You can get it for MUCH LESS!

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In 8 weeks, your English will improve. But even Rome wasn't built in a day.

So...if you join today, I have some
special bonuses!

Every month I'm creating a special series of videos on Pronunciation. These videos are $28 each--but for you:

Topics I will cover:

  • TH Pronunciation: There are TWO--I'll make it EASY for you!
  • V & B: They are SO different--don't worry!
  • The American R sound: One of the most DIFFICULT sounds for so many people to master--NOT ANYMORE!
  • ​And SO many more...S, SH, CH, Z, ZH, J...the W and V
  • VOWELS...Every American Vowel Sound
  • Cancellation Sounds
  • Blending Sounds
  • ​The Strong Sounds VS the Weak Sounds
  • ​The FIVE pronunciations of T
  • ​The SCWHA sound and it's 4 styles
  • Stop Sounds
  • Vowel + R Sounds
  • Contraction Sounds (we'll, we'd, we've)
  • Reduced Sounds
  • ​And MORE!

The total value of this Bonus is over $1000. It is the American Pronunciation Bible!

Again, your access to this will be LIFETIME.

This is a new series I'm creating and the excitement of my members of INSANE!
I know you will LOVE it!

But I want to give you more...

IF you join today...another BONUS!

The most important thing about having a personal English coach...


So, I'll give you access to my AMA (Ask Me Anything) LIVE classes for the rest of the year.

Join my LIVE classes--ASK ME ANYTHING.

  • Pronunciation: Ask me to help you with YOUR pronunciation
  • Phrases & Idioms: Ask me to explain confusing phrases and idioms
  • Advice: Ask me about what YOU should do to master English
  • Politics or Current Events: Well...I don't like talking about politics, but GO AHEAD!!
  • ​Really--Ask Me Anything!

Like I said, my clients who work one-on-one with me pay $300/hour--I'm giving you this chance FOR FREE.

Every month I do 4 AMA LIVE classes.
You can join them for FREE.

Value? If you ONLY ask one question each class least $1000!

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, right?

So if you join today...I have one more amazing bonus to give you...

I'm going give you one month of my VIP courses for free

That includes all the lessons, all of the LIVE classes with our huge coaching team, all of the bonus speaking opportunities.

My VIP lessons are "The Last English Lessons You Will Ever Need"!

The price for all the VIP lessons is $150/month. You get it for FREE. 

And not only that--if you choose to remain a VIP member--because I know you're serious about mastering English--I'll give you a lifetime discount of 50%.

The value of this bonus is at least $ most? Thousands. I have members whose English is excellent but they continue learning with me--for over TEN YEARS!! 

The regular price for PERSONAL COACHING And ALL of the Bonuses $2550!

But if you join today...
You can get it for only $197!

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WHAT if you're not happy?

Don't worry.

I have TWO guarantees for you:

The 3-WEEK Guarantee:

If you’re not happy for ANY reason within the first three weeks—we will send you ALL of your money back. No questions—just send me an email. We’ll continue life as though nothing ever happened!! 

The 8-WEEK Guarantee:

AFTER YOU FINISH ALL EIGHT WEEKS, if you have done all the tasks and taken advantage of the LIVE classes in the bonus section and you STILL are not happy with your improvement. Just send me an email. I will personally send ALL of your money back. And you can still keep all the lessons and bonuses.

You get BOTH guarantees.

You can’t lose. I could lose A LOT!
But I’m positive I can help you.

Join us today and get EVERYTHING.
Onboarding and Lessons start tomorrow.
Do NOT delay your success.


PayPal doesn’t work!

No problem, we have AliPay, too. If you are still having a problem, please send me an email and we’ll help you get signed up.

How do I send/receive the feedback?

You’ll have to create an MP3 file (on your smartphone or PC) and you can either:

1. Upload it to our Cloud


2. Email it directly to us

We’ll listen to your recording and send you our feedback. It may take up to 24 hours to get your feedback.
Your feedback will be a VIDEO so you can see exactly what you need to do to make your English speaking excellent.

How do I receive the speaking task?

I have all of the Tasks and Lessons on our Cloud. You can read and watch them there AND/OR you can download them directly to your smartphone or PC.

Those are the most common questions--if there are more, I will add them!

Coach Shane's 8-Week Speaking Program is part of Let's Master English's core classes. Let's Master English is a branch of Parmy Productions. If you have ANY questions or concerns, please contact us at

Copyright 2023